收藏本站 让广大创业者及微小企业便捷、省心、省钱。


1.Time will help you save your disappointment and tell you no thanks. 鏃堕棿浼氬府浣犳敀澶熷け鏈?骞跺憡璇変綘涓嶇敤璋€?/p>

2.The more we worry, the more disappointed; Dont stop trying because of the fear of losing. 椤捐檻鐨勮秺澶?澶辨湜鐨勮秺澶?鍒洜涓哄鎬曞け鍘昏€屽仠姝㈠皾璇?/p>

3.Dont give me hope, and got great disappointment銆?/p>

4.Until all dreams has broken, didnt see your tears and regret.

5.There are only two possibilities why youre disappointed: wrong person or wrong expectation. 澶辨湜鍙湁涓ょ鍙兘:閫夐敊浜嗕汉,鎴栨槸鎬€鏈変笉璇ユ湁鐨勬湡寰呫€?/p>

6.Time forced me to admit that you are the one I should not love.

7.We talk too much,love too little and lie too often.

8.Once I have the chance to witness his worst moment, but you still can accepthis defects and keep this as secret. Then ur love will last longer.

9.One day my warm heart will be as cold as people away.

10.Dont forget the things you once you owned.keep those lost things in memory.Dont give up the things that belong to you and treasure the things you cant get.鏇剧粡鎷ユ湁鐨?涓嶈蹇樿;宸茬粡澶卞幓鐨?鐣欎綔鍥炲繂;灞炰簬鑷繁鐨?涓嶈鏀惧純;涓嶈兘寰楀埌鐨?鏇磋鐝嶆儨銆?/p>

11.I loved you with the fire red,now its turning blue.

12.Down only two possibilities: choose the wrong one, or have the others expect. 澶辨湜鍙湁涓ょ鍙兘:閫夐敊浜嗕汉,鎴栨槸鎬€鏈変笉璇ユ湁鐨勬湡寰呫€?/p>

13.We throw in the towel is good, dont be so sad ok or not銆?/p>

14.if you don鈥檛 enjoy your life, sorrow, sadness, fear, shame and guilt will.濡傛灉浣犱笉濂藉ソ浜彈鐢熸椿,浣犵殑鎮蹭激闅捐繃瀹虫€曠緸鎰у拰鍐呯枤浼氫唬鏇夸綘浜彈銆?/p>

15.This vacation did not go as well as expected.

16.Maybe I malicious vulgar, constantly looking for the shame of happiness銆?/p>

17.The best way to avoid heartbreak is to pretend you dont have a heart.

18.Even if I know the result, I think I still do the same銆?/p>

19.Instead of being disappointed at where you are, think optimistically about where you are going. 涓庡叾瀵逛綘鐜板湪鎵€澶勭殑浣嶇疆鎰熷埌澶辨湜,涓嶅涔愯鍦版兂鎯充綘鍓嶈繘鐨勬柟鍚?/p>

20.Once a year the flowers open, but will not be a year in.

21.Im into a bottomless pit of love, and love more銆?/p>

22.Who saw my gaunt, only you turn a blind eye銆?/p>

23.I believe in the fairy story you wrote for me, and myself bees the faintflower in the story.

24.More disappointment, less expectation.澶辨湜澶氫簡,鏈熸湜灏卞皯浜嗐€?/p>

25.Its better to try hard to love yourself more than to waitsomeone to love you. if today you dont like yourself more than yesterday,so whats the meaning of tomorrow?

26.I care about, but heartless said.

27.Dont blame others disappoint you, blame you expect too much. 涓嶈鍩嬫€ㄥ埆浜鸿浣犲け鏈涗簡 鎬綘鑷繁鏈熸湜澶

28.Dont take out your pride, and to kill the dignity of others銆?/p>

29.Dont tell me false, I am lazy perfunctory銆?/p>

30.You are in my heart forever more than him,forever and ever銆?/p>

31.Never expect the perfect man,it is not because that you cannot find, but just because there is no perfect man.涓嶈鏈熷緟瀹岀編鐨?鐢蜂汉,涓嶆槸鍥犱负浣犳湡寰呬笉鍒?鑰屾槸鏍规湰娌℃湁瀹岀編鐨勭敺浜恒€?/p>

32.鎴戠殑涓栫晫涓嶅厑璁镐綘鐨勬秷澶?涓嶇缁撳眬鏄惁瀹岀編.No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.鍞編浼ゆ劅鐨勮嫳璇彞瀛?/p>

33.Heart can not stop , will never change to your love ! 蹇冭烦涓嶅仠姝?瀵逛綘鐨勭埍灏辨案杩滀笉鍙?

34.Smile, sometimes is a kind of injury did not say exports銆?/p>

35.The moment you turn around, my depression.

36. 浣撳瘨,姘歌繙姣斾笉涓婂績瀵掋€?The body cold never be pared with heartbroken. 浼ょ棝,姘歌繙姣斾笉涓婂績鐥涖€?Pain can never be pared with heartache. ????

37.Well you only need the light when its burning low. 鐏嫍鐔勭伃鏃舵墠鍙戠幇鑷繁绂讳笉寮€鍏夎姃; Only miss the sun when it starts to snow. 绻侀洩绾风悍鏃舵墠杩锋亱宸查€濈殑闃冲厜; 鐪熺殑涓嶈鍒板け鍘绘椂鎵嶆噦寰楃弽鎯溿€?/p>

38.Reminds me of the lamps in the temperature, we have to break up銆?/p>

39.Never expect the perfect man, it鈥檚 not because that u cannot find, but just becoz there is no perfect man.涓嶈鏈熷緟瀹岀編鐨勭敺浜?涓嶆槸鍥犱负浣犳湡寰呬笉鍒?鑰屾槸鏍规湰娌℃湁瀹岀編鐨勭敺浜恒€?/p>

40.Tears are no color of blood. 鐪兼唱鏄棤鑹茬殑琛€銆?In the future, I will not wait, even if you are in. 浠ュ悗鐨勪互鍚?鎴戜笉浼氬啀绛夊緟,绾电劧浣犲湪銆?Some pain can not tell until you can slowly forget. 鏈変簺鐥?璇翠笉鍑烘潵,鍙兘蹇嶇潃,鐩村埌鑳藉鎱㈡參娣″繕銆俉hen the mood is fallen, only thought is to abandon all. 褰撳績鎯呰穼钀借胺搴曠殑鏃跺€?鍞竴鐨勫康澶村氨鏄斁寮冩墍鏈夈€?/p>

41.Dial my heart how people are willing to forget.

42.If you are not sure, dont hope, you wont be disappointed.娌℃湁鎶婃彙鐨勪簨,涓嶈鎶卞笇鏈?閭e氨涓嶄細澶辨湜銆?/p>

43.People can be disappointed to what extent, but repeatedly refresh. 浜鸿兘澶辨湜鍒颁粈涔堢▼搴?鍗村薄灞″埛鏂般€?/p>

44."We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.Mattin Luther King鎴戜滑蹇呴』鎺ュ彈澶辨湜,鍥犱负瀹冩槸鏈夐檺鐨?浣嗗崈涓囦笉鍙け鍘诲笇鏈?鍥犱负瀹冩槸鏃犵┓鐨勩€傞┈涓佽矾寰烽噾"

45.I just found out that I didnt get into one of the study abroad programs I applied for.

46.When someone loves none, he will fall in love with anyone around him.

47.Losing you makes my heart wet no matter I open the umbrella or not. 澶卞幓浣?鎵撲笉鎵撲紴,蹇冮兘鏄箍鐨?/p>

48.If a woman is not sexy, she needs emotion;if she is not emotional, she needs reason; if she is not reasonable,she has to know herself clearly. coz only she has is misfortune.

49.That kind of feeling is not worry about personal gains and losses, but also practical.

50.Even if sannomiya six homes seventy鈥攖wo male princess, I also only spoil you銆?/p>

51.Im afraid I can not catch you, just leave me alone銆?/p>

52.An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time sometime for forgetting銆丄 badlyhurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.涓€娈典笉琚帴鍙楃殑鐖辨儏,闇€瑕佺殑涓嶆槸浼ゅ績,鑰屾槸鏃堕棿,涓€娈靛彲浠ョ敤鏉ラ仐蹇樼殑鏃堕棿銆備竴棰楄娣辨繁浼や簡鐨勫績,闇€瑕佺殑涓嶆槸鍚屾儏,鑰屾槸鐞嗚В銆?/p>

53.Don鈥榯 try so hard, the best things e when you least expect them to.涓嶈鐫€鎬?鏈€濂界殑鎬讳細鍦ㄦ渶涓嶇粡鎰忕殑鏃跺€欏嚭鐜般€?/p>

54.Clearly have a boyfriend, but always felt that I was the only one銆?/p>

55.Do not finish the dream will only let us hardly wished to live銆?/p>

56.I may not be perfect but at least I鈥檓 not fake. 鎴戝彲鑳戒笉瀹岀編,浣嗘槸鎴戣嚦灏戜笉铏氫吉

57.Lower your expectations, and you will lower your disappointments. 闄嶄綆鏈熷緟,浣犳墠鑳藉噺灏戝け鏈涖€?/p>

58.I remember the tears will not cry is to know銆?/p>

59.When there鈥檚 no expectation, losing won鈥檛 bring hurt, gaining makes you surprised銆?涓嶅幓鏈熸湜銆傚け鍘讳簡涓嶄細浼ゅ績,寰楀埌浜嗕究鏄儕鍠溿€?/p>

60.Not put, loathe to give up, forget not to drop, but can not get銆?/p>

61.The world is willing to listen to the people who used to silence.

62.If you love me, let me know銆?If you don鈥檛, let me go銆?/p>

63.Ill be there for you,Till the end of life銆?/p>

64.Disappointment stems from hope. 澶辨湜婧愪簬甯屾湜銆?/p>

65.Some dreams are just too beautiful to e true銆?/p>

66.Life is so short, the world is mess, I dont want to quarrel, dont want to the cold war, dont want to and you have a second regret. to the person I love 鐢熷懡閭d箞鐭?涓栫晫閭d箞涔?鎴戜笉鎯充簤鍚?涓嶆兂鍐锋垬,涓嶆効鍜屼綘鏈変竴绉掗仐鎲俱€?鑷存垜鐖辩潃鐨勪汉

67.杩欎釜涓栫晫,宸茬粡鏈夊緢澶氫汉鍜屼簨璁╀綘澶辨湜浜?鑰屾渶涓嶅簲璇ョ殑,灏辨槸鑷繁杩樹护鑷繁澶辨湜銆?There are many people and things that have let you down in this world, and the last thing you should do is to let yourself down. 涓€瀹氳璁颁綇:绀句細寰堟畫閰?浣犺娲诲緱鏈夋俯搴︺€????? Remember: society is cruel. You have to live with temperature

68.Never mind, I鈥檒l find someone like you.鍙ら:姣嬮』鐑︽伡,缁堟湁寮辨按鏇挎钵娴?/p>

69.Dont blame people for disappointing you. Blame yourself for expecting too much. 涓嶈鎬埆浜鸿浣犲け鏈?鎬綘鑷繁鏈熸湜杩囬珮銆?/p>

70.Thats the worst part. Liking someone so much and knowing hell never feel the same way. 鈥斺€斾笘鐣屼笂鏈€鎮插搥鐨勪簨鎯呮槸,浣犳繁娣辩殑鎭嬩笂涓€涓汉,浣嗗績閲屽嵈娓呮寰楀緢,浠栦笉鍙兘缁欎綘鍚屾牱鐨勫洖搴斻€?/p>

71.Love a person more bitter only myself know銆?/p>

72.Love you銆乼hink of you.love you secretly,love you eagerly,wait ,feel disappointed,try hard,lose,and feel sad,go apart,and recall.these are for sake of you.And I will regret for it. 鐖辨厱浣?鎬濆康浣犮€傞粯榛樺湴鐖变綘,鐑垏鍦扮埍浣犮€傜瓑寰呭悗,椤胯澶辨湜,鍔姏杩?鍊嶆劅蹇т激,鏄庢槑瑕佹斁寮冨嵈鍙堥噸鎯宠捣銆傝繖涓€鍒囬兘鏄负浜嗕綘銆傛垜鎬绘湁涓€澶╀細鍚庢倲銆?/p>

73.Sad useless, let oneself live your life is the most important. Love is beautiful, but is not the life plete. 鈥斺€斾激蹇冩病鏈夌敤,璁╄嚜宸卞ソ濂藉湴鐢熸椿鎵嶆渶閲嶈銆傜埍鎯呰櫧缇?鍗翠笉鏄敓娲荤殑鍏ㄩ儴

74.Love isnt hard to find, trust is.闅炬壘鐨勪笉鏄埍,鏄俊浠汇€?/p>

75.If you are doing your best,you will not have to worry about failure銆傚鏋滀綘绔敖鍏ㄥ姏,浣犲氨涓嶇敤鎷呭績澶辫触銆?/p>

76.We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. 鎴戜滑蹇呴』鎺ュ彈澶辨湜,鍥犱负瀹冩槸鏈夐檺鐨?浣嗗崈涓囦笉鍙け鍘诲笇鏈?鍥犱负瀹冩槸鏃犵┓鐨勩€?/p>

77.Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful.But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.Paulo Coelho? 绛夊緟鏄竴绉嶇棝銆傚繕鎺変篃鏄竴绉嶇棝銆備絾涓嶇煡閬撹鎬庝箞鍔?鏄竴绉嶆洿鎶樼(浜虹殑鐥涖€?/p>

78.Ive met you.got closed to you.but lost you. the biggest sorrow is to lose the woman youloved.but I was wrong. the biggest sorrow is to lose myself.between possession and loss 鎴戦亣瑙佷簡浣?璧拌繎浣?鍗存渶缁堝け鍘讳綘銆?涓栫晫涓婃渶鎮蹭激鐨勬槸澶卞幓浣犵埍鐨勪汉,浣嗘槸鎴戦敊浜? 涓栫晫涓婃渶鎮蹭激鐨勪汉鏄綘鍦ㄥけ鍘诲拰鎷ユ湁涓糠澶变簡鑷垜銆?/p>

79.But if the while I think on thee,dear friend,all losses are restored,and sorrows end. 鍙鎴戜竴鎯宠捣浣?浜茬埍鐨勪汉,鎵€鏈夌殑澶辫惤鍜岄仐鎲剧儫娑堜簯鏁c€?/p>

80.It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return,but what is the most painful is to love someone and never finding the courage to let the person know how you feel. 鈥斺€旂埍涓婁竴涓笉鐖辫嚜宸辩殑浜烘槸鐥涜嫤鐨勩€備絾鏈€鐥涜嫤鐨?鑾繃浜庝綘鎵€鐖辩殑閭d釜浜哄苟涓嶇煡閬撲綘鐖变粬,鑰屼綘涔熸病鏈夊媷姘旇浠栫煡閬撱€?/p>

81.Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lostagain. 鏈変簡浣?鎴戣糠澶变簡鑷垜銆傚け鍘讳綘,鎴戝涔堝笇鏈涜嚜宸卞啀搴﹁糠澶便€?/p>

82.Nothing cant be figured out.The past just cant be reached again.娌℃湁浠€涔堣繃涓嶅幓,鍙湁鍥炰笉鍘汇€?/p>

83.Only when you have too many disappointments in the bottom will you know how to cherish the good times.鏈夊お澶氱殑涓嶅鎰忓灚搴?灏变細鐭ラ亾濡傛剰鏃惰濡備綍鐝嶆儨

84.Fear less, hope more,eat less, chew more,whine less, breathe more,talk less, say more,hate less, love more,and good things will be yours.灏戜簺鎭愭儳,澶氫簺甯屾湜,灏戝悆鐐?澶氬拃鍤?灏戜簺鐗㈤獨,澶氬仛娣卞懠鍚?灏戜簺闂茶亰,澶氳姝d簨,灏戠偣鎭?澶氱偣鐖? 濂戒笢瑗块兘灏嗕細鏄綘鐨勩€?/p>



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